0 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | ما سنفعله فى هذه الدورة | شرح عربى
1 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | شرح عربى | ما هى Net Core
2 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | Startup class | Program cs | AppSetting | شرح عربى
3 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | entity framework core | Creating database | شرح عربى
4 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | creating database | migration | شرح كورس
5 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | code migration | auto migration | اختيار التيمبلت | شرح عربى
6 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | Layout view | Render Body | شرح عربى
7 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | model view controller | تركيب التيمبلت
8 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | sending data to view | razor syntax | foreach | شرح عربى
9 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | viewmodel | model for view | شرح عربى
10 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | get and post | views | شرح عربى
11 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | get and post | views | شرح عربى
12 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | View import | View Start | View model | شرح عربى
13 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | Razor Syntax | for loop | شرح عربى
14 ASP NET MVC Core Tutorial | delete action | delete database | entity framework core | عربى
15 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | Scafolding | شرح عربى
16 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | Scafolding | شرح عربى
17 ASP NET MVC Core Project Tutorial | identity | regestration and login | شرح عربى
32 ASP NET MVC Core | شرح عربى | ما وصلنا اليه فى هذه الدورة
Codewithsaad com موقع القناة الجديد تعريف بالموقع وكيفية المذاكرة مع القناة
1 Git Technology | Visual Studio | ASP MVC | C | Git lab | git hub تعلم الجيت مع الفيجوال استديو
4 1 identity | JWT | how to secure your website | user management | asp net mvc core
4 2 identity asp net mvc core | role based authorization | claim authorization | authentication
4 3 identity | JWT | middleware | Dependency injection | asp net mvc core
ASP Net MVC course tutorial Content | محتوى الدورة | دبلومة برمجة المواقع