0000 Android Apps Developement
0001 Android OS software stack
0002 API levels
0003 Dex Compiler
0004 Android runtime
0005 Android Appliction Sandbox
0006 Framework vs Library
0007 Android Studio IDE
0008 Create First Project
0009 Gradle build system
0010 Android Project Structure
0011 Android App Components
0012 What is this
0013 xml
0014 xml playground
0015 View and View Group
0016 UI Designer
0017 Spacing and Postioning
0018 unit and sizes dp sp px
0019 values folder in android
0020 Translate your app
0021 EditableText and Buttons
0022 Drawables in android
0023 vectors svg in android
0024 Shapes in android
0025 Selector in android
0026 More Views
0027 Styles in android
0028 Live Coding LinearLayout
0029 ScrollView
0030 Drawbacks of Linear Layout
0031 Alignment constraints
0032 Bias and more constraint
0033 Guidelines in Constraint Layout
0034 Ratio constraint
0035 Chains in constraint layout
0036 Live Coding Constraint Layout calculator
0037 Motion Layout
0038 Motion Layout more attribiutes
0039 Custom attributes motion layout
0040 Key frames motion layout
0041 Use external library
0042 Activity
0043 R Class android
0044 findViewById
0045 Callback pattern in android development
0046 onClick from xml
0047 Logging in Android studio
0048 More Callbacks
0049 Context
0050 Toast popup message
0051 Access Resources from code
0052 Live Coding Bring our calculator to life
0053 View Binding in Android
0054 Change App Icon
0055 Multi Activity
0056 Pass data between activites
0057 Activity backstack
0058 Activity Lifecycle
0059 Serializable and Parcelable
0060 Implicit Intent
0061 Make a phone call
0062 intent filter
0063 orgnize app packages
0064 Import assets to android project
0065 Create Base Activity
0066 Bulding data model
0067 Parse the data
0068 Connect Data and ui
0069 Fragments
0070 Change Fragment from code
0071 should I use Fragments or Activities
0072 fragment add replace and remove
0073 Fragments lifecycle
0074 Fragments Arguments
0075 view binding with fragment
0076 Material design
0077 Floating Action Button
0078 Card view
0079 Text Input Layout
0080 Chips
0081 Bottom Navigation
0082 Navigation Drawer Don t use
0083 AlertDialog
0084 ActionBar actions
0085 Collapsing Toolbar
0086 Adapter design pattern
0087 displaying list of data
0088 Recycler View
0089 Recycler View Holder
0090 Recycler View Adapter
0091 ViewBinding with view holders
0092 Common Recycler View issue
0093 Recycler View LayoutManger
0094 Recycler View items Interaction
0095 Add item to recycler view
0096 Remove item from Recycler View
0097 DiffUtil recycler view
0098 Multi view types inside Recycler View
0099 Spinner {drop down list}
0100 View Pager
0101 Load Image using Glide
0102 Nested Recycler View sample
0103 Android Storage
0104 Shared Preferences in Android
0105Make shared preferences easier
0106 Internal External Storage
0107 Permission in Android
0108 SQLite tutorial link
0109 Create table and insert data
0110 Retrive data from table
0111 Android SQL query
0112 Content provider
0113 content URI
0114 Read sms using content provider
0115 Share data with other applications
0116 Services in Android
0117 Background service android
0118 Foreground Service
0119 Broadcast Receiver in Android
0120 where to go
0121 API for Android developers
0122 How Internet work
0123 Postman the real friend
0124 Understanding JSON structure
0125 Request and Response details
0126 HTTP request methods
0127 Request Authentication and Authorization
0128 Make a request
0129 Threads in Android
0130 OKHTTP library
0131 Qyery Parameter in OKHTTP
0132 Json Parsing
0133 Gson Library
0134 Request Interceptor
0135 Logging interceptor
0136 Useful RESTful API
0137 Reactive Extension
0138 Programming Paradigm
0139 RX Java getting started
0140 the 3 O s of RX Java
0141 RX Java first example
0142 Use lambda instead of obsever object
0143 RX Java from operator
0144 RX Java Repeat and Range operators
0145 RX Java intervals
0146 RX Java take operator
0147 RX Java skip operator
0148 RX Java Timer operator
0149 RX Java Distinct operator
0150 RX Java Buffer operator
0151 RX Java map operator
0152 RX Java Concat operator
0153 RX Java Merge operator
0154 RX Java Zip operator
0155 RX Java flatMap operator
0156 RX Java create operator
0157 RX Java Debounce operator
0158 RX Java more oprators
0159 Schedulers of RX Java
0160 Disposable in RX Java
0161 Observables and Observers in RX Java
0162 RX Java Single
0163 RX Java use lambda with Single
0164 RX Java pass subscribe result to function
0165 RX Java Completable
0166 RX Java Maybe
0167 RX Java Flowable
0168 RX Java convert observable to flowable
0169 RX Java convert observables types
0170 Cold vs Hot observables in RX Java
0171 Cold Observables RX Java
0172 Convert Cold to Hot observable in RX Java
0173 RX Java Subject
0174 RX Java PublishSubject
0175 RX Java PublishSubject as Observable only
0176 RX Java AsyncSubject
0177 RX Java BehaviourSubject
0178 RX Java ReplySubject
0179 RxKotlin
0180 Concurrency
0181 Kotlin Coroutines getting started
0182 suspend function
0183 Coroutines builders
0184 Coroutines context switching
0185 Coroutine lifecycle scope
0186 Coroutines custom scope
0187 Coroutines jobs
0188 Coroutines multiple job
0189 Coroutines join jobs
0190 Coroutines async await deferred
0191 Coroutines structured concerncy
0192 Handling exceptions in Coroutines
0193 Kotlin Flows
0194 lets collect out first flow
0195 flow intermediate operators
0196 Flow operators are sequntial
0197 flow on a specific dispatcher
0198 Handling errors in kotlin flow
0199 casting to flow
0200 Buffer with kotlin flow
0201 More flow operators
0202 Let s improve our codes
0203 Base Classes
0204 Dependency in OOP
0205 Program to Interface not implementation
0206 Code drawbacks
0207 1 Single Responsibility Principle
0208 2 Open Closed Priniple
0209 3 Liskov s Substitution Principle
0210 Use abstraction instead of concreteness
0211 4 Interface Segregation Principle
0212 5 Dependency Inversion Principle
0213 How to handle remaining dependency
0214 Design patterns
0215 Builder pattern
0216 Factory pattern
0217 Singleton pattern in kotlin
0218 Structural patterns
0219 Behavioural patterns
0220 Architecture patterns
0221 MVC android apps development
0222 MVP introduction
0223 MVP android apps developement
0224 Repository pattern
0225 Android Jetpack
0226 MVVM architecture for android developers
0227 First ViewModel
0228 Encapsulate Live Data
0229 How many ViewModel should I use
0231 DataBinding in Android
0232 ClickListener from data binding
0233 Two Way Data Binding Andriod
0234 Binding Adapters
0235 Import class to data binding
0236 LiveData postValue and setValue
0237 RX Java within ViewModel
0238 Coroutine within ViewModel
0239 Flow within viewModel
0240 LiveData replacement in kotlin
0241 Make Http Request easier for android developers
0242 Retrofit for Android developers
0243 Retrofit with RX Java
0244 Retrofit with coroutine
0245 Let s move api service to repository
0246 Retrofit Response class
0247 Kotlin Flow with retrofit
0248 Mange Ui State with sealed class
0249 Add state binding adapters
0250 Handle Retrofit with coroutines errors
0251 Create a state wrapper function
0252 Add Intercaptors to Retrofit
0253 Retrofit path params
0254 Retrofit query params
0255 Retrofit request body params
0256 Retrofit field map annotation
0257 Retrofit Body annotiation
0258 DataBinding With Recycler view adapter
0259 MVVM set RecyclerView items
0260 Base Recyler Adapter with Data Binding
0261 Jetpack Navigation Compnent
0262 Add Navigation to your android project
0263 Navigate using android navigation component
0264 Navigation back action
0265 Navigation pop behavior
0266 Integrate action bar with navigation controller
0267 Navigation animation in Android
0268 Custom animation with android navigation
0269 SafeArgs with Jetpack Navigation component
0270 Bottom Navigation with Jetpack Navigation component
0271 Shared Element with jetpack navigation component
0272 ORM for android developers
0273 Prepare Room Database
0274 Entity in Room Database
0275 DAO in Room Database
0276 Create Room Database
0277 Make Database singleton and avoid memory leak
0278 DAO in viewModel
0279 RXJava integration with room database
0280 Observe room database changes
0281 LiveData with room database
0282 Coroutines with room database
0283 Flow with room database
0284 Confilct Strategy in Room Database
0285 Type Converters in Room Database
0286 Params in Room Database queries
0287 Migration in Room Database
0288 Manual Migration in Room Database
0289 Automated migration in room database
0290 Rename and Delete in Automated Migration in Room database
0291 Caching remote data locally
0292 DTO vs Entity vs Domain
0293 Caching with Room Database
0294 Mapping into domain models in a proper way
0295 Dependency in OOP
0296 Service Locator
0297 Dependency Injection
0298 Costructor Injection
0299 ViewModel Factory
0300 create dependency container
0301 Application Entry Point
0302 Hilt
0303 Field Injection with hilt
0304 Components in hilt
0305 Inject multiple instance with hilt
0306 Hilt Constructor Injection
0307 Injecting context using hilt
0308 combine Dependency Inversion with Depenedency Injection in Android
0309 Android Architecture Tips
0310 Android common architectural principles
0311 Data Sources
0312 Repositores best practices