01 Introduction to dotnet core 3 0
02 C features and history
03 installing dot net core and IDE
04 first C sharp project
05 Create C project Using Visual studio 2019
06 Csharp Main class
7 Main Method
08 C Comments
09 C Variable
10 C data types
11 C value suffix and default value
12 C implicit and explicit conversion
13 C value type and reference type
14 Introduction to pointer in C
15 Using c pointer from ms visual studio 2019
16 C Implicitly typed local variables
17 C Arithmetic Operators
18 C Comparison Operators
19 C Logical Operators
20 C Assignment and Bit wise Operators
21 C if and if else control
22 C switch and conditional operator
23 C while Loop
24 C do while
25 C for loop
26 C foreach loop
27 C jump statements break return continue and goto
28 C single dimensional array
29 C Multi dimensional
30 C Jagged Array
31 C introduction to methods
32 Intro to Procedural and OOP
33 Intro to Procedural and OOP Demo
34 Object Oriented Programming pillars
35 Classes and Objects
36 classes and objects demo
37 Properties and Fields
38 Methods in Details
39 Methods return out and ref keywords
40 Asynchronous programming with async and await in method
41 Method Expression body definitions
42 Method Params
43 Method Overloading
44 Constructor default constructor and parameterized constructor
45 static and private constructor
46 Static Classes and Static Class Members
47 Static Modifier Representation in memory
48 Finalizers
49 C Introduction to Inheritance
50 C Constructor can not inherited
51 C virtual and override members
52 C virtual and override example
53 C Access Modifiers
54 C class and struct accessibility
55 C Anonymous Types
56 C Boxing and Unboxing
57 C the difference between object dynamic and var
58 C Sealed Modifier
59 C Abstract Modifier
60 C interface
61 C explicit interface implementation
62 C Nullable value types
63 C Boxing and unboxing with Nullable value types
64 C Nullable reference types
65 C Generics
66 C Constraints on generics type parameters
67 C Generic Methods
68 C Delegates and callback function
69 C Anonymous functions
70 C Lambda expressions
71 C Func and Action built in delegates
72 C Polymorphism