
تحميل و مشاهدة Data Center

مستوى الكورس اساسيات
21 محاضرة

معلومات عن الكورس

تحميل Data Center ، دروس Data Center ، تحميل برابط مباشر و مشاهدة Data Center ، Data Center تعليم الاطفال ، البداية لتعلم Data Center

كورس معتمد A data center (American English) or data centre (British English) is a building, a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings[3] used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. Since IT operations are crucial for...
شاهد الكورس و ابدء التعلم مجانا

تحميل الكورس بجودة عالية مجانا

ماذا سوف تتعلم داخل الكورس ؟

01 Data Center SAN Technology By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
02 Data Center File and Block based Storages By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
03 Data Center JBOD and RAID Storages By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
04 Data Center Data Center Design By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
05 Data Center End of Row EOR Design By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
06 Data Center Switches By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
07 Data Center FEX Switch By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
08 Data Center Flogi and Plogi By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
09 Data Center Fibre Channel addressing By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
10 Data Center Fibre Channel Topologies By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
11 Data Center Fibre Channel Port Types By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
12 Data Center Cisco SAN Switches By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
13 Data Center SAN Redundancy By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
14 Data Center Zoning By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
15 Data Center Cisco MDS Zoning Lab By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
16 Data Center Zoning on Brocade Switch Lab By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
17 Data Center Relation between VSAN and Zone By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
18 Data Center Relation between VSAN and Zone Diagram By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
19 Data Center Difference between Basic and Enhanced Zone By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
20 Data Center Virtual PortChannel vPC By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic
21 Data Center Virtual PortChannel vPC Configuration By Eng Ahmad AbouLabed | Arabic


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