00 parallel programming البرمجة المتوازية
01 process and thread
02 taskes
03 types of parallel programming
04 parallel computing models
05 flynn taxonomy
06 Effictivness of parallel processing
07 مثال على حساب الكفائة
009 speedup
010 Amdahl s Law
011 Gustafson s Law
012 Fork Join model
013 اعداد الفيجوال ستوديو للبرمجة المتوازية
014 omp routines
015 printf
016 more omp routines
017 omp directive and clauses
018 for in parallel
019 reduction
020 shared and private variables
021 master construct
022 critical construct
023 مثال مهم عن الكريتيكال
024 barrier construct
025 atomic construct
026 ordered construct
027 single construct
028 scheduling
029 static scheduling
030 dynamic schedule
031 guided schedule
032 timing routine
033 firstprivate
034 lastprivate
035 thread private
036 nested loop openMP
037 sections1
038 sections2
039 sections3