
شرح 12 Computer Network Essentials Network Basics Part 3 By Eng Mohamed Kamel | Arabic

كورس Computer Network Essentials

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قائمة الدروس | 15 درس


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كورس معتمد What are computer network essentials? Computer networks share common devices, functions, and features including servers, clients, transmission media, shared data, shared printers and other hardware and software resources, network interface card(NIC), local operating system(LOS), and the network operating system (NOS).04‏ What is a network computer basics? A computer network is a group of two or more interconnected computer systems. You can establish a network connection using either cable or wireless media. Every network involves hardware and software that connects computers and tools. ... Uses of Computer Networks. Advantages of Computer Networking.17‏ Free4arab | Information Technology Computer & Network Essentials By Eng-Mohamed Kamel | Arabic
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