شرح 22 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ 900 Log Analytics By Eng Mahdi Yasin | Arabic
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قائمة الدروس | 22 درس
يجب ان يكون لديك حساب داخل المنصة حتى تستطيع المشاركة في المناقشة و التعليق, سجل الآن مجانا أضغط هنا
دورات ذات صلة
كورس معتمد What are Microsoft Azure fundamentals?
Azure fundamentals is a six-part series that teaches you basic cloud concepts, provides a streamlined overview of many Azure services, and guides you with hands-on exercises to deploy your very first services for free. ... Understand the benefits of cloud computing in Azure and how it can save you time and money.
Is Microsoft Azure fundamentals worth IT?
If you have prior experience with both cloud computing and Azure, the AZ-900 exam is not worth your time. It doesn't hold any inherent value, it doesn't give you a certification, and you can earn each Azure certification without ever touching AZ-900.19
Is Microsoft Azure fundamentals exam easy?
How Hard is AZ-900? As an entry-level exam that's suitable for nontechnical professionals, the AZ-900 is certainly on the easy side compared to other IT exams. ... To pass, you'll need a good study plan, and if you are new to cloud technologies, the material can be complex — even if you have IT experience.31 Free4arab | Information Technology Microsoft Azure Fandamlats (AZ-900) by Najmhad Yassin | Arabic
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Software Development Methodologies
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أحدث الدورات
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