تحميل 24 Everything About Exchange Server Linked Mailbox Part 3 By Eng Emad Adel Eskander | Arabic
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درس : 24 Everything About Exchange Server Linked Mailbox Part 3 By Eng Emad Adel Eskander | Arabic
تفاصيل الدورة :
كورس معتمد What is Exchange Server and how it works?
Microsoft Exchange is an email server that runs on Windows Server operating systems. Exchange works with web-based mail clients like Microsoft Outlook, which can connect to and manage email from a variety of sources.10
What is my Exchange Server?
Click the File option on the menu. Click Account Settings>>Account Settings. Here, select the Exchange Account with the Server name you want to check and click Change. In the Server Settings section, you can see the full name of your Exchange Server.09 Free4arab | Information Technology Everything About Exchange Server By Eng-Emad Adel Eskander | Arabic
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