تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف
Android اندرويد
روابط التحميل
يوجد صيانة لقسم تحميل الدورات لذلك يمكنك مشاهدة الدورة بشكل مباشر من هنا بدلا من التحميل لحين الانتهاء من صيانة القسم
1 Android Studio Java Developer
2 Android Studio Java Developer
3 Install Android Studio on Windows
4 Setup Android Studio on Windows
5 SDK Tools Android Studio on Windows
6 Install Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux
7 SDK Tools Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux
8 SDK Tools Android Studio on Fedora Linux
9 SDK Tools Android Studio on Fedora Linux
10 Install SDK Tools setup Android Studio on Mac OSX
11 IDE Android Studio Integrated Development Environment
12 Android Emulator or AVD Android Virtual Device
13 An Overview of the Android Architecture
14 Android API Levels and impact on projects
15 Android Studio project structure
16 Android Studio project files structure
17 Android Profiler tools provide real time data about CPU memory network and battery resources
18 IDE UI Android Studio
19 User interface UI design Android Studio
20 Android R java file
21 User interface UI design Android Studio
22 Android String XML String array resource
23 Android Java Class XML View
24 Android Java setOnClickListener
25 Android Java first project
26 Android Java TextUtils
27 Android Java Text methods
28 Android Studio Image View
29 Android Studio Radio Button
30 Android Studio Radio Button
31 Android Studio Toggle Button
32 Android Studio Switch Button
33 Android Studio CheckBox
34 Android Studio CheckBox
35 Android Studio RatingBar
36 Android Studio Toast with Java
37 Android Studio Calendar with Java
38 Android Studio AlertDialog with Java
39 Android Studio AlertDialog with Java
40 Android Studio using getResources Method
41 Android Sudio Colors XML
42 Android Sudio Scroll view
43 Android Sudio Theme Style XML
44 Android Sudio Theme Style XML
45 Android Sudio Fonts Style XML
46 Android Sudio create a project
47 Android Sudio Edit text Text View Button
48 Android Sudio Anonymous variable in Java
49 Android Sudio Activity lifecycle concepts
50 Android Activity lifecycle callbacks onCreate onResume onPause onStop onDestroy
51 Android Moving from one activity to another Activity
52 Android Transfer data from one activity to another
53 Android Activity Intent Bundle
54 Android Activity Intent Bundle
55 Android Activity Intent Bundle
56 Android Activity Intent Bundle
57 Android vertical horizontal Auto layout
58 Android Studio RecyclerView
59 Android Studio MVC Architecture Model View Controller
60 Android Studio RecyclerView
61 Android Studio RecyclerView XML
62 Android Studio RecyclerView XML
63 Android Studio RecyclerView Model
64 Android Studio RecyclerView OnClickListener
65 Android Studio RecyclerView Intent with Bundle
66 Android Studio Movie data project
67 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView Adapter
68 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView Model
69 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView Image
70 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView setImageResource
71 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView setOnClickListener
72 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView setOnClickListener
73 Android Studio Storage SharedPreferences
74 Android Studio Storage Store text file
75 Android Studio Storage Read Write text file
76 Android Studio Storage SQLite database
77 Android Studio Storage SQLite database
78 Android Studio Storage SQLite database helper
79 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD insert data
80 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Get data
81 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Get all data
82 Android Studio Storage SQLite Model
83 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Update data
84 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Delete data
85 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD get num data
86 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView project
87 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView CRUD insert data
88 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView CRUD search data
89 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView UI XML
90 Android Studio SQLite RecyclerView Adapter
91 Android Studio SQLite insert Activity
92 Android Studio SQLite edit Activity
93 Android Studio SQLite RecyclerView Adapter
94 Android Studio SQLite RecyclerView Debug
95 Android Studio Phone Call
96 Android Studio Phone Call
97 Android Studio SMS manager
98 Android Studio Monetize your app ads AdMob by Google
99 Android Studio Monetize your app AdMob ads payment
100 Android Receiving Payments From Google Adsense Payoneer or IBAN number from bank account wir
101 Android Studio connect real device and show with Vysor
102 Android Studio Monetize your app ads AdMob on mobile
103 Android Studio debugging Java Kotlin and C C code
104 Android Studio generator create icon launcher
105 Android Studio Java or Kotlin create debug apk
106 Android Studio Java or Kotlin create release signed apk
107 Android Studio and Real device Java or Kotlin
108 Android Studio and minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion
109 Android Studio and minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion
110 Android artificial intelligence tensorflow machine learning
111 Android Artificial intelligence machine learning
112 Android TensorFlow image classification using the device camera
113 Android ML Kit For Firebase | Machine Learning Toolkit
114 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi
115 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi
116 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi
117 Android Developer Java or Kotlin publish your application in google play store
118 Android Developer where to Go
تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف Android اندرويد ، دروس تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف ، تحميل برابط مباشر و مشاهدة تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف ، تعليم الاطفال تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف ، البداية لتعلم تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف ، تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف ، تحميل كورس تحميل Android Studio كامل من الصفر وللاحتراف
الاشهر اليوم
سيرتك الذاتية " CV " هي أول مستند وأول دليل على كفاءتك في العمل
وتقوم كورسات كود بمساعدتك لإنشاء سيرتك الذاتية بإحترافية
وتقوم كورسات كود بمساعدتك لإنشاء سيرتك الذاتية بإحترافية
MATLAB Control Systems Engineering
1 Advanced Software Engineering Design Patterns
2 Advanced Software Engineering Design Report
فلاتر والذكاء الاصطناعي Flutter Machine Learning
تصميم موقع متجاوب
برمجة جافا للمبتدئين
برمجة الألعاب بإستخدام يونتي
C Object Oriented Design and Programming
أساسيات قواعد البيانات
system engineering programming
Deal With Hosting
Bootstrap 5 Design 01 Bondi
أساسيات وردبرس WordPress
Introduction to Software
تعلم أساسيات البرمجة للمبتدئين
أساسيات لغة بايثون بالكامل
html and css كامل بالعربي
Database 2 Advanced Topics in SQL PL SQL
system analysis and design من الصفر
اساسيات بايثون الذكاء الاصطناعي